You have played Mrs Hudson for just under 3 years now, what is it you like about her?
I love Mrs. Hudson because she has a heart of gold beneath a steely determination. She has the measure of Holmes who drives her insane with his shenanigans but she also has such a deep affection for him. I also love her wry sense of humour . She is great fun to play and Ross writes so brilliantly, learning it come very naturally.
What cast members and guest stars have you enjoyed working with the most in The Mary Morstan Mysteries and NPLH?
That's a difficult one. Everyone in the core cast and all the guest stars have been great fun , but one of my very favourite characters is Miss Blake played by Tamzin Dunstone. Of course I never actually get to work with her, as she is in a different time zone to me.
I also simply adore Mycroft, (James Ian Gray) John and Mary Watson ( Mike Archer and Lexi Wolfe) and of course the wonderful Ross K Foad, actor, writer, producer, editor extraordinaire. But then we all think that for sure.
A lot of traditionalist Sherlock Holmes fans have praised your use of a Scottish accent for the character - something many Holmes productions do not choose to use. Are you good with any other accents?
Thank you. Well I have a good ear for accents and rhythms but I am not very good at just launching into them from nowhere like some actors can. If some one is talking to me with their own native accent I inevitably start talking back in exactly the same accent. Some times it can get a bit embarrassing as people think I am taking the micky! I based Mrs. Hudson on my mum- in -law who was a wee gal from Enochddhu in the highlands of Scotland!
You have been an actress for over 30 years now, in what ways has the industry most notably changed?
I think the major thing is that there are no repertory theatres anymore, where we young actors cut out teeth. There were also rules laid down by Equity in those days and it was a closed shop, which meant you had to get a job to get an Equity card and you had to have an Equity card to get a job. Only two a year were given out by each repertory theatre and you were not allowed to do television or the West End, until you had done 40 weeks in the theatre. Now the youngsters training ground is in Soaps on the TV. Then they can go in to do other things because they have reached public eye . There are pros and cons on both sides, but if all the technology collapsed, actors would still go out again and perform for nothing in the street .. we're mad, its in our blood!
What do you think did happen to MR.Hudson?
I think they were probably quite devoted when they were young but never had any children of their own which I think Mrs H would have liked. That's why she looks after Holmes in such a motherly fashion. But I think she would have worn the trousers . Perhaps they were in service together and he died of consumption or one of the many diseases around in the Victorian era. I think like all Victorians she has had to keep her emotions in check, but there is a definite softness beneath her rod of steel .
Have you got any great cleaning tips yourself? Do you know of any way to get bullet holes out of walls yet?
Ha ha! Well I don't know about bullet holes in walls, but certainly the old fashioned methods are the best for cleaning . Bicarbonate of soda performs miracles on all sorts of things including teeth!. BUT on that subject I hate to think what coca cola does to teeth, when a litre of cheap cola poured into the toilet bowl, and left for an hour, will bring it up sparkling clean!!!
Aside from appearing in 2 upcoming No Place Like Holmes Episodes this year you actually have been working on another comedy web show that has just come out haven't you? What is that all about?
Yes. Thank you. It is all very exciting. I play the neighbour in the web based series ' LITTLE GREY FERGIE' which is aimed at 2 to 6 year old children . It is already a cultural phenomenon in Norway with several television series, films live theatre tours, books, merchandise and so forth and it is about a Fergie tractor which revolutionized farming in the 1950's. The series is about fun, learning and wholesome values such as the importance of taking care of old things, local farming taking responsibility,caring for animals,and most of all friendship. It is great family entertainment and you can see the first seven bite size episodes at www.littlegreyfergie.com.